Friday, September 21, 2007


9:46pm Friday
Yeah! I'm still here in the office, accomplishing stuffs that I should finish tonight. I have done so many things today, and I am so glad for I am very productive today. I have finished writing the SME reports and its photo captions, I already wrote the letter to the participants, i already encoded them through excel then I already finish our SME BizLink e-Newsletter for next week (check out our website: . It seems easy when I say it ayt? but It is hell not, because it has lots of process before it will be publish in our website. Lots of checking and revisions.

And I can say, time moves so quickly!!! haay, kulang ang time . .

Darn! I miss my one time big time crush (awww) when will I see you again?? (wondering)

anyway, so much for this, I have some take home work to do (yay)

I have good news to all of my readers!! hehe I'll be having my lap top tomorrow!! yeeeeee!!!

so so damn excited!!!! hoo hoo!!


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