Sunday, September 23, 2007


This was taken last Tuesday, September 18, 2007. It was a dinner with my Grand Uncle and Grand Aunt Emilia and the rest of our close friends Tita Estrella and Tito Ceazar in Sanju Edsa Shangrilla Hotel.

Yeah! I'm a one heck grandpa's girl! I really enjoyed talking to him, for I got lots of word of wisdom from him. And I am really amazed of his stories during the World War II. He's 91 years old, mind you.. And I'm glad that he is healthy as a carabao! hehe I am so blessed that I can still cherish the moments with him and his cavalry stories.

I hope and I pray that Grand Unc and Grand Aunt will live longer. . I love them! And They will always remain here in my heart, forever. And I am looking forward to see them again next February for a visit.


Friday, September 21, 2007


9:46pm Friday
Yeah! I'm still here in the office, accomplishing stuffs that I should finish tonight. I have done so many things today, and I am so glad for I am very productive today. I have finished writing the SME reports and its photo captions, I already wrote the letter to the participants, i already encoded them through excel then I already finish our SME BizLink e-Newsletter for next week (check out our website: . It seems easy when I say it ayt? but It is hell not, because it has lots of process before it will be publish in our website. Lots of checking and revisions.

And I can say, time moves so quickly!!! haay, kulang ang time . .

Darn! I miss my one time big time crush (awww) when will I see you again?? (wondering)

anyway, so much for this, I have some take home work to do (yay)

I have good news to all of my readers!! hehe I'll be having my lap top tomorrow!! yeeeeee!!!

so so damn excited!!!! hoo hoo!!


My life afer Dan is full of Anguish

Think this way . . .

After you have given EVERYTHING --> your TIME, your PRINCIPLE and your WHOLE BEING

He will just leave you and tell you that HE DOESN'T LOVE YOU THAT MUCH!

Now that's very SELFISH and UNFAIR

Right now, I am so damn angry with him and with myself too..

I hate myself because I loved him so so much.. i know, I don't deserve this

But what is worst, even though you wanna leave him and even I decided of not seeing him again, there is always something holds me back . .


(see my days are cold with out you, but I'm hurting while I'm with you. And though my heart can't take no more, I keep on COMING BACK TO YOU!!!! arg!)

**OoOoOhhh La La!! Xo xo FAbulous!!!**

I hate this feeling #!@!@!!

Honestly, I don't like my situation . . The issues are so irritating

All I could say, no matter what happened - NO ONE can replace my FATHER!!

He's my Father and that will remain till the end PERIOD!

I don't want extravagant life, all I want is love and simple life . .


Wednesday, September 5, 2007

leo says

My Horoscope says: Are you thinking about an ex too much? Snap out of it. Perform an exorcism: Go through your diary and read old entries, then call your best friend and ask them to remind you why you're better off in your current relationship.

ok ok.. I admit it... of course i'm still thinking about him.. but I'm in a state of letting go all the memories and even all the words he promised to me. It's not that easy, you know.. But I am much better than yesterday =)

yeah!! roar!!